Black Corporation announces new Expander FX box

  • Publicado
    Sun, May 21, 2023, 08:00
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  • The Japanese synth company has unveiled its latest high-ticket item.
  • Black Corporation announces new Expander FX box image
  • Black Corporation is making a lavish multi-FX console. The company, which is known for producing exacting recreations of vintage synths, has opened orders for its Expander Mk2, a high-spec FX unit that includes a reverb, chorus, delay, phaser, ring modulator, resonator and overdrive. The FX are a mix of analogue and digital. Many are built to emulate vintage classics, with the delay based on Lexicon's PCM41 and the reverb modelled on the Lexicon 224. These digital FX are accompanied by an analogue bucket-brigade delay and a spring reverb that uses two 17-inch spring tanks. The overdrive uses Korg's Nutube analogue vacuum tube technology, as seen on the Volca Nubass. The phaser, chorus and ring modulator all use analogue circuitry. The Expander Mk2 has a push-button modulation matrix to route effects to different destinations in the signal chain and control its ten LFOs. The original Expander was created by Black Corporation as an FX add-on to its Deckard's Dream synth—a near-perfect emulation of Yamaha's CS-80, which was used extensively by Vangelis on the Blade Runner score. The Mk2 expands the idea into new territory in an attempt to create one of the most high-spec multi-FX units ever made. Like all Black Corporation gear, it's expensive. You can pre-order the Expander Mk2 by putting down $1,499 now, with a balance payment of $3,500 due when it's delivered in early 2024. Despite the cost of its products, Black Corporation has built a name as the creator of some of the most desired electronic instruments on the market. Watch a demo of Black Corporation's Deckard's Dream with the Expander Mk1.
    To preorder the Expander Mk2, visit the Black Corporation site here.