Squarepusher unveils Dostrotime, his first album in four years

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  • The LP is out on March 1st via Warp.
  • Squarepusher unveils Dostrotime, his first album in four years image
  • Squarepusher is releasing a new album. Out on March 1st through Warp Records, Dostrotime is inspired by the "novel, eerie, sublime silence" of lockdown, according to the UK artist. "The cancellation of all live commitments meant the prospect of a year's worth of itineraries, airport security, hotels and no sleep was erased, and for some time I experienced a simple happiness not familiar in my adulthood," he continued. "In a way it reminded me of being a child, where one knows big and awful stuff happens on the horizon but the current moment is a blissful sanctuary. Without customary interruptions, time elapsed differently: Dostrotime." Dostrotime is Squarepusher's first album since 2020's Be Up Hello. In the years since, he's released an EP and remixed artists such as GoGo Penguin and Danny Elfman. Listen to "Wendorlan," and listen to Squarepusher's Exchange from 2020.
    Tracklist 01. Arkteon 1 02. Enbounce 03. Wendorlan 04. Duneray 05. Kronmec 06. Arkteon 2 07. Holorform 08. Akkranen 09. Stromcor 10. Domelash 11. Heliobat 12. Arkteon 3 Warp Records will release Dostrotime on March 1st, 2024. Photo: Caspar Stevens