Spun - Tones & Max Plowman

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  • Inspiration is something that we, as individuals, all need. It’s one of many things that make us who we are. Without inspiration, we can never really aspire to be better creatively or push ourselves to continually search for knowledge that some of us need. Inspiration can be derived from many things. Some are inspired by literature, others by a painting or a piece of sculpture and then there are those that find inspiration in the life of another. Inspiration can come from the smallest things or the largest. Mine comes from music whether it is dance music, jazz, classical, whatever. I live and breathe music. I yearn for music and therefore I continually search for better music. It’s only when I come across something exceptional that I feel the need to let others know what I have heard. This is one such occasion. Over the years, I have heard my share of promos from a lot of aspiring DJs, but none have given me reason to write a review as much as Tones and Max Plowman have. It seems to me that these days, anyone who buys a piece of vinyl, can call themselves a “DJ”. But it is a title that is only deserved by a few. This title is deserved of Tones and Max Plowman. Anarcrusan’s ‘In My Mind (MAS Arcadia Mix) opens this selection with its’ galloping beats and haunting riffs. It is this very track that lays the foundation of this collection of tracks, each flowing from one to the other with effortless ease. This tempo is further established with Panoptic’s ‘Surface’ and Schatrax’s ‘Mispent Years (Silicon Soul Darkroom Dub)’. Nice deep basslines are the order here and that’s something I welcome with open arms. The next two tracks are by Sultan, with one being a collaboration with Tone Depth. Lately, I’ve been finding myself drawn to any production involving Sultan as well as The Greek. Sultan’s sound is very distinct and the only way I can describe it is rich and plush in melody and atmosphere. While ‘Breathe’ has that signature sound which has the result of reminding me of his ‘Night Visions’, it is Sultan’s collaboration with Tone Depth on ‘Back To You’, which shows a new side and is my personal highlight. The beginning is very minimal, with vocals of the same nature but it easily grows and explodes into a track that is probably one of the best examples of progressive I have ever heard. Its effect on me has been very chilling and one that I won’t be forgetting in a hurry. From here we move to Polefolder’s “We Share’ with its tougher, chunkier sound and then onto the sumptuous beats of Sander Kleinenberg’s ‘Buenos Aires’. This melodic almost trance-like momentum is further encompassed with Amber’s ‘Anyway (Steve Porter Mix)’ and the Undertouch mix of Anarcrusan’s ‘In My Mind’, giving it an almost completely different sound and feel. This is then followed by the nomadic sounds of Kato’s ‘Interphase’ with its beautiful Middle Eastern influences and finally Rouzbeh Delavari’s ‘About You’, a track that brings everything to a calm, settled close. This mix is on par with anything that Global Underground or Renaissance could release. In some cases, it is much, much better. Having recently been disappointed with a few releases by big name progressive DJs, it was refreshing to listen to this promo by two relatively unknown Sydney DJs. It’s not enough for me to call this ‘brilliant’ because it’s much more than that. While I have found fault with a few big name releases, I can not find any fault with this. The track selection is, in my eyes and to my ears, perfect and the transition from one track to the next is seamless. The overall effect is a very mature sound that shows more depth with every listen. If this is the calibre of up and coming DJs that we have in Sydney, then I think it’s about time we all show our support for the new breed who have the ability to make other ‘established’ DJs look boring, unimaginative and technically inefficient. Of Tones and Max Plowman I know nothing other than that they play at Spun. But after hearing their promo, one thing I do know: if this is only a small indication of the talent they have to offer to Sydney clubbers, I can’t wait to see what else they have in store. As I’ve said, this is a promo and for those that were lucky enough to get a copy of it, you’ll know what I’m talking about but for those that didn’t, I suggest you head to Spun at City Hotel on 9th August and listen for yourself. Much respect! Tracklisting: 1. ‘In My Mind (MAS arcadia mix)’ - Anarcrusan 2. ‘Surface’ - Panoptic 3. ‘Mispent Years (Silicon Soul Darkroom Dub)’ - Schatrax 4. ‘Breathe’ - Sultan 5. ‘Back To You’ – Sultan & Tone Depth 6. ‘We Share’ - Polefolder 7. ‘Buenos Aires’ – Sander Kleinenberg 8. ‘Anyway (Steve Porter Mix)’ - Amber 9. ‘In My Mind (Undertouch Mix)’ - Anarcrusan 10. ‘Interphase’ - Kato 11. ‘About You’ – Rouzbeh Delavari