Nation Of Shopkeepers

  • Dirección
    27-37 Cookridge Street, Leeds, LS2 3AG
  • Teléfono
    (0113) 203 1831
  • Enlaces
    • Seguidores



Acerca de

  • From the people behind North London institution the Lock Tavern, music promoters Adventures in the Beetroot Field, Field Day and Stag and Dagger Festivals, as well as the Amersham Arms in New Cross, Bungalows and Bears in Sheffield and Start the Bus in Bristol, NATION OF SHOPKEEPERS will feature a wide, irregular array of live music events, DJ nights, and everything either side – from pub quizzes and weekend record fairs, to a homemade, great value menu and a huge range of beers and bevies. The Grade II listed building, - currently The Courtyard - will be receiving a radical make over, turning the space into music and arts-led creative hub, developed by artists, illustrators and designers from the farm of creative agency YCN. Once it re-opens, the 450 capacity bar and music venue inside will offer a diverse collective of the best new, alternative and established Leeds-based and national music promoters, labels, club nights, promoters, bands and creative’s, together with a host of eclectic daytime events including jumble sales and bingo. The venue will have a 3am license every Thursday, Friday and Saturday, and the special luxury of a large garden with an outdoor music license and 400 capacity, meaning live music outdoors and BBQs for all on warm summer nights, and heaters and hot drinks when the weather is not so generous.



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