Vintage Lounge & Vixen Bar

  • Dirección
    114 S. Orange Ave; Orlando, FL 32801; United States
  • Teléfono
    (407) 649-000
  • Enlaces
    • Seguidores



Acerca de

  • Billed as Orlando's premier dance lounge and a laid back happy hour, Vixen/Vintage Lounge - a Downtown Underground Music-Vino-Libation-Collaboration- is actually better than that: a dark, Classic-themed space with antique chandeliers, red-velvet drapes and cosy nooks to get intimate with over martinis and the girl you meet at the bar. It's been around, but the drinks only get better, the DJs are among the best in town and the crowd lack any pretension. Sophisticated and romantic, why can't Miami be as chilled out as this?



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