


  • 404.zero Pure generative art collective. Kristina Karpysheva and Aleksandr Letsius
    404.zero conjures a precise and clearly definite understanding of life’s concept. The art project was born in an attempt to establish a definition of evisceration of conventional dogmas and values. In 2016 two artists joined together to create projects that could push the meaning of clarity to the limits in terms of modern generative art. Both of the artist feel that 404.0 is a foundation that provides an opportunity for infinite creativity. Kristina and Sasha were born in St. Petersburg. Kristina, a media artist/designer, has been actively making installations and audiovisual performances since 2015. She often brings multidimensional features to her works of art such as integrating performers (“Nothingness”) and theatrical acts (“Evgeniy Onegin” Brusnikin) into her installations. Alexander is the co-founder of Tundra collective which produce large-scale audio-visual installations. They also participated in many international festivals and exhibitions in Russia, Germany, Italy, Switzerland, Indonesia, USA, Korea. 404.0 have put together the following projects during the last year: No time. No Future. I am here. RIP. An immersive performance-installation on Platon’s cave motives which used laser beams and synth sounds. A generative audiovisual performance Dome generative video projection accompanied with a live performance by Greg Hainez A performance at the ZILART – SILENCIO award ceremony. Audiovisual performance that used custom-build synthesizers and generative graphics.