

  • Ⲷ ꓘ ꓗ 𐊍
    Timm Pekka Lauryn Escher aka Ⲷ ꓘ ꓗ 𐊍 is 22 years old and was born in the controversial Berlin-Hohenschönhausen. Culturally and musically Ⲷ ꓘ ꓗ 𐊍 draws from various genres and musical styles. He likes pretty much everything as long as it is well implemented. The same claim he raises, of course, for his own art. At a party, Ⲷ ꓘ ꓗ 𐊍 doesn't want to spoil anyone's mood, he always tries to play danceable, exhilarating and emotionally charged music that gives his sets expressiveness and memorability. Depending on the crowd, Ⲷ ꓘ ꓗ 𐊍 intuitively chooses his tracks and trusts his feeling here whether a breakbeat is appropriate or rather stays in the case. Most dominant is the classic hyptnotic-groove techno with simple, repetitive rhythms that can convey any feeling depending on the sound.