Aitcher Clark



  • Aitcher Clark is a sound designer, producer, composer, multi-genre artist, dj and lover of any good music in multiple genres, based in Prague.
    At age of four, he got mesmerized by his grandma’s records of symphonies by Ludwig van Beethoven, which impacted him for the rest of his life. He grew up with rock music and heavy metal during childhood, which later turned into fascination by beats and electronics. He spent his teenage years exploring techno and IDM by joining rave parties, collecting records and learning to play turntables. The DJing hobby naturally grew into a inner calling for his own music production. He collects inspiration from anything that strikes his ears every day and his creations carry traces of field recordings of various environments. Mind bursting with ideas, he devotes a lot of time to crafting his own sounds, until they truly reflect the shapes contained in his imagination, tones of his moods and intensity of mental states. His music features a balanced mixture of fragile sensitivity and brutal powers of muted physicality, a melancholic stream of delicate harmonies, intelligent beats, with tension gradually escalating up to the edge of opening to the unknown. Apart from his solo electronic performances as Aitcher Clark, he is a member of a trip-pop music band Anakver and industrial duo LOFN. Under the right constellations and when kissed by a muse, he produces ambient electronics influenced by current modern classical music under his alter ego Yerkvoryak. When cranking the volume loud enough, as he likes it, the tracks will start telling a personal story, a yearning for the final answers.