Alex Gallus



  • ALEX GALLUS, born & raised in Berlin/Germany.
    Berlin might be the hottest city on this very planet, but as to why it is you have to find the people that live here and that were born here. Since these people make this town the very hub, the very essence of cool that is wanted by every other city. It is something that cannot be mimicked because Berlin was always something special, so were the people that were born here, even more though the ones that helped shape the city through their sound, their very karma and their openness. Alex Gallus is just this man.  As the early eighties spawned a wonderful new club culture, new clubs came up and whoever was there was someone you knew, celebreties, stars the local cool people and the ones that were there just to shine for that one night to the music of one man, Alex Gallus. Colorful names like Dschungel, ChaCha & then later Globus (Tresor) & WMF, Alex palyed them all, why ? Because he was the man to talk to if you wanted a real party.  He also had a successful record store (Such A Sound) were all the heads went and bought their records, in a time way before digitalism, mp3 and downloads, he made it possible, he made all of us possible and the gang around him and the city will always be in his debt.  Because he is one of the guys that you can trust that he will find the right sound to any occasion AND also will never loose his way while just listening to the city and palying it back to you. The citiy’s sound changed over the time as Berlin became “TECNO CITY” but even then he knew what to play and what not, always eclectic, never ordinary and he still does so every weekend, because he is a child of this very city, Berlin. You'll find him playing at WeekEnd, Watergate, Prince Charles, King Size, The Grand, Cookies, Parker Bowles, Bar Tausend or Soju Bar. .. artoo (berlin)

    Discografía seleccionada

    Gallus & Kurus: Ile De Goree out on Ladies and Gentlemen ("Time For House 2")