


  • Club, hardcore, techno, and even cantopop, Alexmalism is the catalyst in the post-genre club scene.
    'Composer, DJ, sound artist, producer’ no matter how you call him, Alexmalism (aka Alex Yiu) is perhaps never afraid of expending his own artistic expression through breaking boundaries in between forms and disciplines. Based in Hong Kong, Alex draws inspiration from minimalism, industrial, trance, vogueing and even classical music to create his own eclectic sound world. In his live set, Alexmalism cooperates violin playing on top of his music, reflecting his musical background in both classical and improvisational tradition. Since 2016, Alex has already performed at XXX, HKCR, SHCR, Oil Club, All Club, Sonar Hong Kong 2019, NTS Radio and many other places. His multi-channel electroacoustic music piece ’Alter Ego’ was played in Burning Man 2018 by UNPOP, and his debut EP ‘TKO’ is released by the Hong Kong underground label ‘Absurd Trax’ in Dec 2018. 無論你如何稱呼他為「作曲家、DJ、聲音藝術家、音樂製作人」,Alexmalism 並不害怕通過突破藝術種類之間的界限來擴展自己的藝術表現形式。從極簡主義、工業、聲音藝術、Trance、流行甚至古典音樂中汲取靈感,Alexmalism 創造出一個屬於自己的折衷主義音樂世界。他的現場演出以小提琴演奏配合他的音樂,結合了古典和即興演奏的傳統。自2015年以來,Alex 已經在 XXX、All、Oil、Sónar Hong Kong 2019、NTS Radio、HKCR、SHCR 等重要的地下音樂藝術場域甚至廣州時代博物館和大館當代美術館作演出。 他的多聲道電聲樂曲 “Alter Ego” 由 UNPOP 在2018年的 Burning Man 中播放,而他的首張EP'TKO'已於 2018年12月由香港地下品牌 Absurd Trax 發行。

    Discografía seleccionada

    EP - TKO, Label - Absurd Trax, Dec 2018