Arthur Tourenism



  • Arthur Tourenism (Arthur Mikhe) — DJ, composer and sound designer. Participate in the project "ATVN". Co-founder / owner of Elemental Voices Records.
    Arthur Tourenism (Arthur Mikhe) — DJ, composer and sound designer. Participate in the project "ATVN". Co-founder / owner of Elemental Voices Records.

    Discografía seleccionada

    Arthur Tourenism - Escaping Volcano EP [April 2012 - SOM004 "Somatik Sounds"] Arthur Tourenism - Fallen Utopia EP [September 2012 - SOM014 "Somatik Sounds"] Arthur Tourenism - The Code is Unstable EP [November 2012 - SOM019 "Somatik Sounds'] Arthur Mikhe - Postscriptum [2013 - ASTREC015 - "Astralique Records"] Arthur Tourenism - Give Me Some Power EP [November 2013 - "Elemental Voices"]