


  • BACKWORDS it's a production team with strong roots into the sound & aesthetic of repetition, always on the edge between digital & analog. Behind is Michele Pauli aka Pardo, co-founder of seminal italian band Casino Royale.
    To give a description of the music of this original duo is not an easy task, and indeed not even a necessary one, as claimed by Pardo himself: "BACKWORDS" he explains " is a natural evolution of the Royalize experience (Casino Royale’s d’n’b side project dated 1999) that had ended prematurely. That sound, that of repetition in modern music I mean, is an old reminiscence that constantly comes back in my listenings and in my productions. Dubstep , techno, trap , dub... I don’t care about definitions, the only thing I know is that it is 'something' that catches my attention and pushes my ego to have a try, it’s a bit like returning to a known place but at the same time a place that’s always new, a place of exchange where everything slowly starts to focus".

    Discografía seleccionada

    BACKWORDS / Tay-Yu-Ta / Rmxs, Elastica Records 2014 BACKWORDS / DUE, Elastica Records 2013 BACKWORDS / Hard Days Night, Elastica Records 2012