Belief Defect

    • Seguidores



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  • A monothematic delusion is a delusional state that concerns only one particular topic. People who suffer from these delusions often do not suffer from any obvious intellectual deficiency nor do they have any other symptoms.

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Eventos anteriores

    • Alex.Do, Baby Vulture, Belief Defect, Bloody Mary, Bunsen, Byetone, Byron Yeates, D. Tiffany, Chinaski, Cristian Marras, D. Carbone, Dollkraut, Ellen Allien, ENNIO, Ethel, Faerber, Franz Scala, Glaskin, Identified Patient, Jana Woodstock, Jesse G, JKS, Johannes Albert, Juba, Kate Miller, Kwartz, KYRUH, WTCHCRFT, Lea Occhi, Marie Midori, Dangermami, MARRØN, Michal Zietara, Moxie, N.R.M, Omon Breaker, Parallx, Philipp Schultheis, Privacy, Rena Volvo, Rifts, S.A.M., Shaleen, SHDW, Slim Soledad, Stenny, Thabo, Thalo Santana, THC, The Ghost, Truly Madly, u.r.trax, Xiorro

    RA Pick
    • Sat, Apr 2, 2022

      RE/FORM Spring 2022

      Belief Defect, Brenda, Brennen Grey, CLAWZ, Dax J, Eric Sedano, Force Placement, Heidi Lawden, Jonny Maven, Juliet Mendoza, Kyle Hall, Lindsey Herbert, Monsieur Frazier, Sara Landry, SNTS, Stephen Disario, Surachai, TIMEKUBE
      RE/FORM continues to grow into its place as a stalwart LA festival with its biggest edition yet, featuring big-name headliners like Dax J and DJ Deeon alongside crucial local DJs Force Placement, Clawz and more.

    • ANFS, Belief Defect, Drumcell, Luis Flores, Bjarki, CRANZ, Endlec, Eschaton, Ancient Methods, Orphx, Gary Holldman, Hadone, Jennifer Cardini, Joana, Mukti, MRTN., OTHK, Pact Infernal, Parallx, Perc, Ansome, Rebekah, Regis, Reverie, RIKHTER, Rosa Anschütz, Soho Rezanejad, Subcode, Umwelt, Zadig, Vladimir Dubyshkin, Volruptus, Yellen