Carlos Alfaro



Carlos Alfaro Music Producer and Deejay native from Cuenca (Spain), studied Music Composition and started to give percussion classes at the age of 10. He comes from a Family of Musicians, his Grandfather and brother are well knows musici..
Carlos Alfaro Music Producer and Deejay native from Cuenca (Spain), studied Music Composition and started to give percussion classes at the age of 10. He comes from a Family of Musicians, his Grandfather and brother are well knows musicians, both of them practice and teach Music Composition . Carlos started listening Techno and House at the age of 15. When he was 18 years old he decided to purchase his first set of Technics Turntables and started to invest on Music buying Vinyl, where he started to learn and understand the Dance Culture. At the age of 23 he started to learn the art of Music Productions where he and his friend Omar Silba started to collaborate in Music Productions. From there he started to make contacts where define Carlos to be a mature Musician.
His Djs sets consist in all genres around the styles of Techno and House, usually transitioning to other subgenres that are at the Vanguard of nowadays fresh sounds.. as for Music Productions Carlos releases his Music under many acclaimed Record Labels as Datagroove , Microtech , Diva Records, Fever Sounds Recordings , Soulman Music , Suerte Records , Crossworld Rec, Kaapro Recordings, Six Sound, Tenor Recordings, Bronzai , Original Label . also his Music has been Remixes and supported by Julien Chaptal , Angelo Ferreri , Darkrow, Youri Donantz, Alex Roque, Andrea Crestani, Alex Sosa , Andrea Colina & Victor Elle , Madeni and many more. Carlos have a bright future and and it will be coming strong for this 2013 with their great Music Productions skills and Dj sets. Stay tuned Carlos Alfaro joven deejay y productor nacido en Cuenca (Spain) en 1987 esta empezando a dar mucho que hablar, carlos empezó a estudiar solfeo y a dar clases de percusión con 10 años ya que en su familia ai mucha vocación por la música . su abuelo vivió de forma profesional de la música y su hermano en la actualidad también.. ambos con carreras de solfeo.. carlos empieza a interesarse por el house y el techo con 15 años .. cuando cumple 18 decide comprarse sus platos technis y su mesa y poco a poco y recopilando vinilos cultura e información sobre este mundo de la música electrónica.. a los 23 años se interesa por la producción musical la cual aprende con su amigo Omar Silba y empiezan a trabajar juntos. es a partir de ai cuando poco a poco empieza a aprender y a hacer contactos los cuales hoy se definen en un carlos alfaro madurado y definido,
en sus sesiones siempre selector de música entre las variantes del house y el techno sin seguir un particular estilo y muy a la vanguardia de la mezcla… en cuanto a la producción se podría definir y ver en sellos como datagroove , Microtech, Diva récords,Fever Sound, Soulman music,Suerte récords, Crossworld, Kaapro rec, Six Sound, Tenor recordings, Bronzai, Original label, y siendo remixado y apoyado condicionalmente por artistas como Julien Chaptal, Angelo Ferreri, Darkrow, Youri Donatz, Alex Roque,Andrea Crestani, Alex Sosa Andrea Colina & Victor Elle, Madeni y muchos mas.
estamos seguros de que le espera un futuro prometedor y en 2013 dará mucho que hablar.