Cedric Borghi



  • Cedric Borghi is what we call a music addict. He is cradled since childhood by hiphop sounds and sonorities from Detroit and Chicago. After various experiences, he focused on production. His cold and dark techno pleases which earned him various out..
    Cedric BORGHI est ce au’on appelle un music addict. Il est berce depuis sa plus tendre enfance par des sons hiphop et des sonorites venant de Detroit et Chicago. Suite a diverses experiences, il commence a s’interesser a la production. Sa techno froide et sombre plait, ce qui lui a valu diverses sorties et la reconnaissance de plusieurs grand noms de la scene. DJ emblematique du label FRAGIL et co-fondateur de la soiree nantaise GET HORSES ou se produisent chaque mois divers artistes internationnaux tels que ROHDAD, SCOTT FRASER ou encore DJ HELL. Cedric Borghi is what we call a music addict. He is cradled since childhood by hiphop sounds and sonorities from Detroit and Chicago. After various experiences, he focused on production. His cold and dark techno pleases which earned him various outings and recognition of several great names of the musical scene. He is also an iconic DJ of the label FRAGIL and co-founder of the GET HORSES party in Nantes where, each month, several international artists perform such as ROHDAD, SCOTT FRASER or DJ HELL.