


  • Creating music that heals and rejoices. No rules are followed, no image is set, everything is permitted.
    DemoDc, through the platform of Heartheartrecords is a label created for the purpose of restoring balance to an unbalanced world. Heartheart music is an expression of the heart, influenced by the music loved and driven by the love of music itself. Life is a journey as is the music created @ heartheartrecords. DemoDc would be best described as a story-teller. Channelling energy from the unknown, he mold’s stories into electronic music with a conscious effort to stabilise earth's imbalance. Lose your Mind ... Find your Heart. Mentions from local artists and world known artists, as follows: 9 years ago I met demo, to fix his car actually, with mixing advice soon following. I was unaware of the creative, professional and emotional relationship that would later unfold. I went on to become the mastering engineer for the bulk of demo’s record label, heartheartrecords and for the last 9 years I have watched demo bloom into the artist that he is today. Demo was already a fantastic artist when I met him. He wasn’t someone making tracks, he was making art. There are gems scattered amongst his back catalog that would astound any musician. His ability to paint a picture with sound and achieve beautiful sonic textures are, and were always, second to none and he would always challenge peoples musical concepts. One thing demo has always been certain of, is what he doesn’t want. He doesn’t want normality, monotony or conformity, and with that framing he would relentlessly pursue the unknown, allowing the natural forces of life shape whatever was before him, some how coming out the other side, often scathed, but holding a new work of art. It took some time for demo to open up and absorb the information I presented him with and to be honest it probably didn’t happen until I had opened up myself creatively to all that demo was trying to do with his music. I’m now ecstatic when theres new music from demo and I can honestly say that I wouldn’t be the same engineer or artist that I am today, if it wasn’t for meeting demo all those years ago I recently held a course on arrangement and invited demo as one of my esteemed guests and it was a pleasure to have him. The students really resonated with his story, but his creative intelligence put my students (and honestly most of my other guests) to shame, which really helped me get my message across to the students, a message that I perhaps wouldn’t have understood to the level that was necessary without demos influence. Robert Koster // Groov Mekanik Artist / Audio Engineer / Ableton Certified Trainer I remember back in the late 90’s myself and Antony Coppens had a residency at the Clinic (held regularly at F.A.D. on Waymouth Steet in Adelaide). We used to play pretty late, and the crowd was usually for some fairly heavy music. I’d always stick around after the set, and ended up having some D&M’s with this young guy called Demo. I’d heard his DJ sets and thought he was always pushing the boundaries, but what drew me to him was that he was a deep thinker. He used to ask me things about making music, why timing and tempo were things that people took too seriously, he thought that there was room to let music do its own thing outside of the normal conventions. At the time, I was using a lot of old Roland equipment that was locked to 16 step patterns with no possibility of working between the steps, so I kind of dismissed it as a bit out there. Over the years Demo has shown that his commitment to moving away from the known normals and conventions around music is serious. I’ve enjoyed hearing his music develop over the years, becoming more complex and giving more of an insight to the depths of the mind behind it. Demo is a true pioneer of techno music and I look forward to hearing his style continue to evolve for years to come. DCE - DCE Records - Artist / Audio Engineer Tunes are sounding great, will listen more RDJ/Aphex Twin/User 18081971 Music producer/Artist.  I really love your stuff man. It's well-produced, sounds great, and is very personal. You got a signature. I'm thoroughly enjoying your music. Comments on Meiosistosis Ep Pt 3 - Damn great track’s man, I really like the release Mattias Fridell - Artist / Audio Engineer Comments on Meiosistosis Ep Pt 3 Future Past sounds like neo Detroit techno. Good work with The Modulation on the synth hook line. Quite progressive.. works pretty well on the dance floor for Sure. I like the second Part, starting at the 6 Minute mark. The Groov Mekanik remix is like a rollercoaster ride. Starts smooth.. stringfull and gets crazy towards the end with all those twists and turns. Not boring at all, and a strong addition to the original.. well done. I love Techno has such a good drive.. rave on! Running Out Of Time rounds it up with another rave Monster. Those modulated synths are relentless. Dance floor stuff once again. Keep up the good work!! XDB / Music Producer DemoDc Biography Hey there reader, the names Demo (Daniel Constantine Demourtzidis - hence DemoDc),… ,here’s a short brief of my story so far..I come from a drummers background, fucking hating electronic music as a kid, ( because u know, being a drummer, electronic music isn’t real music.. its all pressing buttons and doing fuck all... haha) , up until i did an overnight flip and went from bogan skinny jeans, to raver mad hatters with a whistle, wearing the baggiest most colourful clothes one could wear. I Went from drummer (since age 9 ) to Dj-ing in 1996 (age 18), 1st consumed by the rave, hardcore, happy hardcore scene and sounds, with then discovering music from the likes of artists, such as, Aphex Twin, Jeff Mills, Robert Hood, Richie Hawtin, Autchre, Derrick May, Carl Craig, Kenny Larkin, Laurent Garnier, Aux 88, UR, Adam Beyer and co… and too many other legends to mention. Between the years 1996 and 2000, after collecting around 2,000 records, living on baked beans on toast, and on rice, mainly spending any money I had to buy,records . On August 4, 4am 2004, I woke up to smoke, entering into my lungs, causing me to cough, wake up and not pass out ( as apparently many pass out due to smoke, then die from fire). I was 27 at the time, almost joining the 27 club, yet clearly not important enough to do so (hehe). Drowsy from waking I discovered my housemates room was on fire , (I assumed a freak draft of wind shot down the fire place, flickering amber to housemates wooden bed.. the whole house was made entirely of wood). Housemate wasn’t home due to getting laid, at a spunky chicks house. Escaping with my life, all the equipment i had collected, such as a, (Korg, E x-800 Module, Korg, 707, Roland, 707 drum machine, R-8 drum machine and a Sequential Circuits MultiTrak) and my 2,000 records,… gone. ( I even went through the half melted records to discover some where saveable, retrieved about 400 of them, put into the back of my disabled car, only to return to collect, learning that the car had been squashed up into a neat square cube, done by the council workers, so again, blocked, to lead me on this path I've been on since) Since this day, I went from collecting analogue gear, to making everything just on the laptop, pure digital, never used any studio gear, just laptop and headphones. I’ve been on a mission since. My description of these events are, all the smoke from the fire coming from my records and equipment ( and the other items i had), entering into my lungs, felt like i absorbed all the energy from the music. 18 years on, the music I’ve created, is like the energy that i took from the house fire event, is an act of me giving back, through the filter of who i am, resulting in my own music inspired from said collection. What makes this story quite unique and authentic ,is the fact of experiencing the digging up of a very precious quartz crystal that i had found at the local quarry of Adelaide, that before pulling it out, 1st plucking 9 crystal shards out, to then discover a much larger crystal ( felt like i was a Gelfling from the fucking Dark Crystal movie, -story,…. haha). I held it in my hands and the 1st thing that it resembled to me was, a crystal heart. I defined it as my second heart, feeling like i was birthing an extended version of myself. This happened in 1998. 10 years later whilst in Berlin, (4 years after my house fire experience, living there for 3 months) i made a track calling it heart heart... ,when looking deeper into this wording, i discovered, when one puts the words Heart Heart together, it also reads Hear The Art.. which blew my mind... perfect.. perfect name to call my label. Its only years later i had become more aware that it wasn’t just calling the track heart heart, that i also had my human heart and crystal heart.. realising it was my destiny to run Heart Heart records and Hear The Art Records the whole time. Theres a lot more to my story……, yet,…… i thought id share with you the nuts and bolts of why i create, and what led me to where i am, and very much, who i am. - The latest release is Meiosistosis E p Pt 3, part of a 5 ep series for DemoDc + guests, expressing in my heart of hearts, how I see the times we are faced with currently. Meosistosis is an invention of words made to make sense, deriving from the scientific meanings of mitosis and meiosis. …….. Under the moniker MOAB DEP and with music partner the Wai - forming Ghost N the Wai, under the label Hear The Art Records, there is also a 5 series ep release. The music being very experimental and free.

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