Diego Noguera



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    Primer evento en RA

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  • The electricity of modular synths and machines becomes a telluric force generating an arc that goes from a meditative music to a sonorous catharsis.
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Eventos anteriores

    • Sun, Apr 26, 2020

      Earth Night

      Soul Clap, BLOND:ISH, Doorly, DJ Holographic, The Whooligan, Mr. V, Nickodemus, Moullinex, Fred Everything, JKriv, DJ Raff, Entropica, Mezla, Parker Smith, Belaria, Zips, Zips, Franz Matthews, Lavender, Lady Joker, Lady Joker, Joker, Fantasna, Johnny Golden, Khadija, Rebel Up, Mukhtar, Diego Noguera, Jinku, Raio, Ohxalá, Magupi, Xanducero, Peter Power, Mettabbana, AIWAA, Juan Diego Illescas, Nico Castro, Frik, OXCAR, Beaux, Ali Coleman, Echo Juliet, Yuko Kakizawa, Yuko Kakizawa, Friendsome, The Untitled One, Himay, Dave Beer, Ani Phoebe, Noah Prebish, Lex Nell, DJ HRP