Digital Rockit



  • TOYTOY Resident and owner of Johannesburgs And Club!
    Co-founder of TOYTOY and half-owner of & Club, Fabio is the quintessential 80’s kid. A product of the music video generation he grew up taping 80’s pop shows to VHS so he could listen to them again and again. But it wasn’t until he began attending raves in the early 90’s that he was first exposed to dance music. This new sound awoke something in him and he began to seek it out, eventually moving to Europe, working in record stores in London and Eindhoven in the Netherlands, and becoming obsessed with music from Detroit, particularly techno and electro. The characteristic driving rhythms and melodies of which can still be found in the music he plays today, almost 18 years later. Fabio’s style itself is characterised by smooth mixing that transitions easily and he tends to limit his use of effects and gadgetry, letting the music speak for itself. That said, his choice of music can be quite experimental in the right environment, exploring disco, 80’s, indie and electro sounds. Whatever he chooses to play however, you can be sure that it’s been considered ahead of time, because by his own admission and in his own words: “It’s the music that keeps me coming back week after week, searching for that moment the music flows and that wonderful exchange with the audience begins to happen, it’s like nothing else.” When asked who inspires him, he lists the TOYTOY residents as major influences. Fabio again: “Even though we all play different music, they play with such passion and conviction that it makes me want to put time and effort into my own sets”.