Fat Acid



  • Born in the U.S, grew up in the Netherlands and now established in Switzerland, Fat Acid has always had an interest for mixed environements.
    His music and DJ sets are the product of these cultural influences. Playing several instruments, he was part of a band based on funk music where he discovered the flavour of groove, interpretating Stevies Wonder's songs. He developped such a taste for those funky lines, it just wasn't something he was going to get rid of so easily. Trance and a glimpse of techno came then with a major dutch influence, Dj Tiesto. It's only once he moved to a peacefull country scattered by flowers and banks called Switzerland, that his Czech buddy revealed him the dark side of the human hearing range of frequencies ; the power of Techno music and its spicey deploying genres. Since then, that passion for heavy basses and groovy rythms has become "la Ligne Rouge" of his music production, as much as for his DJ sets, and resulted in joining Fribourg's Flashcut Label in 2009.