


  • What about me? I'm 21 years old guy with a great passion for the music. In the late of 90s i started to listen night radio programs that brought me closer to the figure of dj and to the world of electronic music. With the flow of time i learned to..
    What about me? I'm 21 years old guy with a great passion for the music. In the late of 90s i started to listen night radio programs that brought me closer to the figure of dj and to the world of electronic music. With the flow of time i learned to appreciate the music in every its forms: from 70s/80s discofunk to Detroit techno, from 90s house to UK funky and dubstep. When i was 12 i bought my first sequencer program for computer, that allowed me to learn the basics rules to produce music with pre-produced samples. I have too much influences when i try to produce a track but i think that principals artists that inspire me are Flying Lotus, MF Doom, Actress, Alva Noto, Burial, Jack Sparrow, Mike Slott, Bonobo, Floating Points, Caribou, Four Tet and Shed. On my soundcloud page i public every work/test that i make, if you want to check you can go to http://soundcloud.com/Gost . Today i'm trying to expand my horizons with the listening of modern jazz and instrumental 90s hip hop. From a year ago, i'm trying to play keys in studio with some my friends that have a local jazz band, and in future i would like to study how to play modern jazz music. I don't have too much free time because i'm studying for a engineerin graduation, but, when is possible, i update my podomatic page with new mixes, that contain my favourite tracks played in the radioshows/podcasts that i listen to. If you want to check, the url is http://gostmusic.podomatic.com/