Grube & Libre



  • The End was the start of everything. It all started with a big bang, as the Tresor Club closed its old gates in 2005 with the final party.In this colourful mess Gustav Grube and Mentelibre discovered the energy and the incredible expression lurking..
    Das Ende war der Anfang. Alles begann mit einem gewaltigen Knall,als der Tresor 2005 seine alten Pforten mit der letzten Party schloss.In diesem bunten Treiben entdeckten Gustav Grube und Mentelibre die Energie und den unglaublich starken Ausdruck, der hinter Minimaltechno zu lauern schien. Mitte 2006 begannen sich die Wege von Grube & Libre mit denen von Max Schumann zu verbinden, an dessen Turntables die beiden endlich die Möglichkeit hatten Platten zu spielen und damit Aufsehen zu erregen.Während die DJ-Qualitäten wuchsen begannen sich Grube & Libre mit der eigenen Produktion von Musik zu beschäftigen.Da die ersten Produktionen auf guten Anklang stießen,stand bald der Gedanke eines Livesets im Raum.Mit dem Abschluss des ersten Livesets und dessen Präsentation auf verschiedenen Veranstaltungen, wurde auch diese Form in ihr Repatoire übernommen. Grube & Libre kann als Liveact oder DJ-Team gebucht werden. The End was the start of everything. It all started with a big bang, as the Tresor Club closed its old gates in 2005 with the final party.In this colourful mess Gustav Grube and Mentelibre discovered the energy and the incredible expression lurking behind minimal techno. In the middle of 2006 Grube & Libre's ways crossed with Max Schumann, at whose turntables both had the opportunity of making a great stir.While the DJ-qualities rose Grube & Libre started to deal with producing music.Because first productions found a good resonance, the thought of a liveset came to their mind.Having finished and presented their first liveset at various events, this way of performance became a solid part of their qualities. Grube & Libre can be booked as a liveact or as a DJ-Team. Weitere Infos:

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    The End was the start of everything. It all started with a big bang, as the Tresor Club closed its old gates in 2005 with the final party.In this colourful mess Boris Bartsch and Mentelibre discovered the energy and the incredible expression lurking behind minimal techno. In the middle of 2006 Grube & Libre's ways crossed with Max Schumann, at whose turntables both had the opportunity of making a great stir.While the DJ-qualities rose Grube & Libre started to deal with producing music.Because first productions found a good resonance, the thought of a liveset came to their mind.Having finished and presented their first liveset at various events, this way of performance became a solid part of their qualities. Grube & Libre can be booked as a liveact or as a DJ-Team. Weitere Infos: