


  • Engaged with the sound texture, Hellotrip offers an unusual music selection across Techno and Electro. He looks for driving the dance floor from introspective mental states to the most euphoric and emotional moments.
    Several ear surgeries arose Hellotrip’s interested in sound. After waking up from anaesthesia, he perceived with painful detail all the sounds that surround him and how sonic spaces behave. At the age of 15 he started to create some simple music with a playstation game and an old computer. Soon he had the opportunity to learn playing vinyl with the experienced Hi-NRG DJ, DJ Correa in Cali, Colombia. In 2005 Hellotrip moved to Bogotá to study Sound Engineering, where he founded together the “Out of Stock” collective. The same year he won the first place in a DJ competition made by Techsound, the major player of underground electronic music in Colombia. This opened for Hellotrip the gates to festivals and clubs in Colombia to play along national and international artists. During his time in Bogotá he elaborated a live performance with singer Laura Franco under the name “Nada Radikal”. This project focussed on analog gear and live vocal processing, mixing characteristics of Techno and Electro with a Post Punk style. Later he created “The Red Box Landscape” project together with Colbeat, which was to be one of the first Drum and Bass and Techno hybrid live performances in Colombia. After some releases on national and international record labels, Hellotrip released in 2012 a Creative Commons album called “Claro Oscuro”. This album was built on recordings of previous live performances in clubs and art galleries and facilitated a tour around Colombia. In 2013 Hellotrip decided to break the ties to the electronic music scene and started to work as a Sound Designer and Foley Artist for History Channel and A&E. Later he founded his own company for professional audio postproduction for film and television. In 2016 Hellotrip moved to Cali, where he met local DJ K.N.D. from the collective Midnight. There he picked up his activities as a DJ again as resident DJ at Mynt where he was to meet his wife Ida Bux. In 2018 he moved to Berlin and in the same year has the opportunity to play in Griessmuehle at the Krake Festival 2018 together with his wife and Paula Temple. Furthermore he has played at venues like M-Bia, Racket Stack, Meta Solis Festival and others. Today he releases music on labels like Takatak in Berlin, SURO in Ibiza and Techsound in Colombia, as well as independently. Hellotrip is part of Kollage Kollectiv, which focuses on developing art expositions made from recycled electronics.

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    https://hellotrip.bandcamp.com/ https://soundcloud.com/hellotrip https://www.mixcloud.com/hellotrip/ https://www.beatport.com/artist/hellotrip/78457 https://open.spotify.com/artist/5IinhutIjNJcAd10MZrK2A?si=JpX_y0uARU-W-O_VBwI17Q https://strmstrm.bandcamp.com/releases https://soundcloud.com/strmstrmstrm https://www.beatport.com/artist/strm/973885 https://open.spotify.com/artist/33OSQjoxdDQuCHUswQIwfJ?si=MgL6fZymQke2B5TudPEffA