Honeychild Coleman



  • Musician/Composer/DJ
    Honeychild Coleman (The 1865 / Bachslider / GKA) Brooklyn, NY she/her Kentucky native Recording/Visual Artist, Sistagrrl Riots founding member Honeychild Coleman (Invisiblegirl Records, UK) has worked with The Slits, Mad Professor, afro-futurist shoegazers Apollo Heights (The Veldt), Badawi (Raz Mesinai) and Death Comet Crew (with Rammellzee), and the late Greg Tate’s Burnt Sugar Arkestra. Honeychild started her musical career during the hot summer of 1993 in the real underground – the New York City Subway system. Busking there, and eventually performing freestyle and improv weekly sets with DJs Olive (we™ /Liminal), Sasha Crnobrnja (Organic Grooves), Lloop (we™), Delmar (Jungle Sky), Fred Ones (Mike Ladd/Sonic Sum) and Badawi (Raz Mesinai) contributed to the unique niche that Coleman created within the New York City electronic scene of the mid-90's. Featured in documentaries “Afropunk,” (James Spooner, USA), the MAKERS storytelling platform for trailblazing women (USA), "Firelies" and "Getting My Name Up There" (Katarina Cibulka, AUSTRIA) and upcoming Rock Chicks (Marita Stocker, GERMANY), she made a cameo in “Crooked” (Wordsound, USA). She has composed music in the Sundance awarded film "Pariah" (Focus Features) and indie “P.R.” (U.K./Greece). Her club-to-studio path led to recording with we™ (whose set she gate-crashed at Le Fin de Siecle Festival in Nantes, France), Badawi, Sasha Crnobrnja (Codek), , Apollo Heights (live rhythm guitarist and recorded vocals on TVOTR's Dave Sitek's remix of "Disco Lights" and their cover of House of Love's "Christine"), and Italian electronic group HERE: Jim "Phylr" Coleman(Cop Shot Cop), M.Teho Teardo (Matera / Meathead) and Matteo Dainese (DEJLIGT/ Jitterbugs /Meathead / Ulan Bator), with whom she toured Italy three times. From 1998 onward Honeychild has also balanced fronting her own alt-rock band (singing/writing/playing guitar), organizing "riott" shows with fellow Sistagrrls & "Afropunk" documentary artists (Simi Stone, Maya AKA MotherGoddess,and Tamar-kali) all over NYC's East Village (3 Riotts at CBGB's, R.I.P.) and Brooklyn, releasing CDs on her bedroom label 8RM Records Brooklyn (USA), playing and touring (2nd guitar) with Apollo Heights (US / UK / Europe) and spinning records as DJ Sugarfree BK. Solo experimental sets at DJ Olive and Toshio K's Pheno_mena party (Tonic, NYC) led to performances at Sin-e, Rooftop Films, SHARE, a D.I.Y. tour of Europe at the Wooshi-Wooshi and Cable Records festivals (Barcelona), The OskarvonMillerStrasse Gallery/Performance space (Frankfurt) and ultimately opening for Peaches at the CO-OP Club (Berlin). Coleman fronts Blues-Punk outfit The 1865 (Mass Appeal Records) on lead vocals and baritone guitar. Formed in 2017 with musician/filmmaker and fellow songwriter Sacha Jenkins (Fresh Dressed / Of Mics and Men / Bitchin’ -The Sound and Fury of Rick James), they are joined by Jason “Biz” Lucas (Dragonz of Zynth) and Flora Lucini (MAAFA). The 1865’s music is in Hulu series “Woke!” (USA, 2021) and Showtime’s “Everything’s Gonna Be All White” (USA, 2022). Coleman’s writing will appear in James Spooner and Chris Terry’s book BLACK PUNK NOW! (Softskull Press,2023) Affiliations: Black Rock Coalition,Sistagrrl Riots, Underground Producers Alliance, Out Loud Louisville, Willie Mae Rock Camp Instagram: @hccoleman @djsugarfreebk Twitter: @sugarfreebk

    Discografía seleccionada

    Bereket Window - Invisiblegirl Records (UK)http://itunes.apple.com/gb/album/bereket-window/id428975522 Halo Inside (Come la Luna) - Matteite Records (Italy) http://itunes.apple.com/us/album/halo-inside-come-la-luna/id301770049 The 1865 - Don't Tread On We (USA) https://the1865.bandcamp.com/album/dont-tread-on-we Shut It Down (Compilation) https://shutitdowncomp.bandcamp.com/releases