Initial Code


Eventos próximos

    • Beste Hira, Blawan, DJ AYA, DVS1, Ellen Allien, Fireground, Freddy K, Job Jobse, Nadia Struiwigh, Sandrien, Sedef Adasï, Skee Mask, stranger (NL), THC, The Lady Machine, A2iCE & BO3, Ahmet Sisman, Alarico, Altinbas, Ben Sims, berlintrackservant, Blasha & Allatt, Chlär, Dax J, DJ Nobu, Dorisburg, Downside, Dr. Rubinstein, GiGi FM, Grace Dahl, Initial Code, Mattias El Mansouri, Mor Elian, Narciss, Phara, Roi Perez, SPFDJ, Vnnn., .VRIL, Yanamaste, Young Marco, Funk Assault, HWRD, Jayat, Adriana Lopez, Amotik, Anetha, ANNĒ, Benjamin Damage, Colin Benders, D.Dan, Dasha Rush, DJ TOOL, Elli Acula, Estella Boersma, Hasvat Informant, Hyperaktivist, Kameliia, Lorenzo Lacchesi, Lacchesi, Less Distress, Mac Declos, Mola Mola, Oscar Mulero, Philippa Pacho, Sol Ortega, VEL (3), Why Be, Yazzus



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  • Genuinely contemporary selections, acute understanding of sound and performance, as well as consistent event promotion and extensive music journalism, Initial Code’s work in the Belgian scene and beyond have been unignorable since 2018.
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