Iury Lech



  • Iury Lech is an artist pioneer in the Spanish electronic A/V scene that in the 80‘s began to develop visual-aural performances. His open and unclassifiable style permeates the avant-garde concept from hypnotic visual and sonic deep atmospheres.
    Iury Lech is a multidisciplinary artist that developed his creativity within the realm of music and A/V performances, and during the late 1970’s and 80’s rose as a pioneer within a moment focussed on electronically generated audio and visual media. Drawing on the ground gained by Minimalist pioneers like Steve Reich, Terry Riley or Jon Hassell - built from repetitive rhythm and sheets of rippling resonance, drone, and ambience- Lech’s two first works of that period, ‘Otra Rumorosa Superficie’ and the seminal album "Música para el fin de los cantos", one of the most sought after reissues of recent years along with the remix album "Reinterpretaciones", are a beautiful listening experience spanning through dark ambient and cinematic minimalism of real depth. He showed his video-art pieces and played at many venues and events such as Ars Electrónica; Art Futura; ISEA; SONAR; Video Festival Videoformes; Festival of New Musics of Madrid and Sevilla; the experimental cycle LEM in Barcelona_Spain; Knitting Factory in New York; Pop Komm Festival,Germany; Festival Experimenta in Madrid; Festival Osmosis in Taipei_Taiwán; ART BEIJING_China; DAFT Festival in Taipei_Taiwan; JMAF in Tokyo, Japan; Hong-Gah Museum Taipei; Korea Foundation, Seoul_South Korea; NTMOFA Taichung_Taiwan; ARTEFACT:CHERNOBIL 33, Kiev_Ukraine.

    Discografía seleccionada

    .OTRA RUMOROSA SUPERFICIE (Hyades; 1989 - reissue by Utopia Records; 2018) .MÚSICA PARA EL FINAL DE LOS CANTOS (Hyades; 1990 -reissue by Cocktail d’Amore Music; 2017) .A BITE IN THE COMMON SENSE (Hyades; 1992) .SERIAL CASTRATI (Insolit; 1995) .ASPERSIONS BY INSTINCT (Insolit; 1998) .VICTIMa OF DUNCE(ing) (Insolit; 2001) -INSTORMENTS (Amorfik, 2005) .DYE A V(east) (2007) .DOMESTICATED DOMESTIC DEMONS (2012) .REINTERPRETACIONES (remixes of "Musica Para El Fin De Los Cantos" album by Powder, Suzanne Kraft, Hatchback, Zavoloka. Cocktail d’Amore Music; 2018) .ONTONANOLOGY (2020)