John Vilotti



  • San Diego, CA based Musician & DJ/Producer
    Growing up in a musical family, John Vilotti was embedded with harmonic tendencies early on when he learned to play the piano as a kid. Mostly self taught, he realized he was drawn to the melancholy styles of classical composers such as Bruckner, Stravinsky, Rachmaninoff, and Beethoven just to name a few. He began writing and composing music of his own but as he grew older, his pursuits in music fell to the side with school and work becoming a priority. Then, in his early twenties, he was exposed to techno, house & other forms of electronic music that re-ignited his urge to produce and be involved with music again. He quickly developed an obsession with the darker, melodic styles of house and techno with a nostalgic passion that took him back to the classical soundtrack of his childhood. Conventional thinking would have many saying the genres are worlds apart, but John will quickly argue with anybody that there are more similarities between the two, and that both electronic and classical music explore the full range of human emotions. He believes that in either context a single composition or track can enable a listener to go on a journey that other music styles fail to evoke. To John, electronic music is just a modern version of classical music using the advent of technology. It is this acute musical understanding where he continues to pursue his passion for music as a young, but formidable DJ where he’s proven to be a leader in San Diego’s underdeveloped techno scene. Even within a modest time span, John has garnered attention from both the local scene and established veterans throughout Southern California’s electronic music community. With a monthly residency at San Diego’s Tech-House & Techno event - Techniche, plus key guest appearances at a growing number of venues and events, John Vilotti has become a modern conductor for electronic music’s new compositions.