Jo Nathan



  • Musician, Producer, Writer, Designer, Restaurantur and most recently Club Owner, Jonathan Margulies aka Jo Nathan, the man behind Tape Club in Berlin (2007-2012) is back in the studio and on the decks.
    Operating Tape was the best education the aspiring DJ/Producer could ask for, with Jonathans direction the venue spearheaded the return of more soulful sound to Berlin at a time when the city was saturated with minimal Techno, many of the city's top venues were taking cues from Tapes innovative and House and Disco program. As general musical director at Tape, Jonathan was partial to DJ's not afraid to take risks to cross genre boundaries and has developed a mixing style of his own, within a set frequently moving between House, Disco and Techno among other genres. In his five years of operating Tape, Jonathans time on the decks was frequent though always under different monikers or all together unannounced as he would regularly warm up the floor at the Tape Modern exhibitions and close the nights at Horse Meat Disco. Alongside a unique musical agenda, Jonathan made a name for Tape Club through his acoustic installation work and co-operation with Funktion One to create a space revered by many artists and guests as the best sounding room in Berlin, this attention to detail as an event producer and reliable host to the artist community earned him the respect of many his idols. Having migrated three continents, Israeli born, New York raised and since 2004 Berlin resident, his various cultural influences clearly to be heard in the musical selections, mixing style and production. Not afraid to let the mix be heard and a constant desire to find new peaks to climb, Jonathan's DJ sets demand attention and they get just that. A musical instrument was just an integral part of his youth as was for his three brothers, recorder at the age of six, piano at seven and the saxophone at eight years old, the latter remained his instrument of choice to this day. Now that he is taking a break from running his own venue and production company, Jonathan has returned to the studio and is working both on solo material as well as collaborations. A new venue is put on ice till 2014 to concentrate on his own art and musical productions.