Kevin Arnemann

Cover image for Kevin Arnemann



Acerca de

  • Amsterdam based DJ and producer. Founder of Taped Artifact.
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Eventos anteriores

  • RA Pick
    • Alienata, Arend, Bloody Mary, Cosmox, cultuurschok, Deniro, Gustav Goodstuff, Intergalactic Gary, Jetti, Kaap, Kevin Arnemann, Lenson, Luc Mast, Mark du Mosch, Mirella Kroes, Oceanic, Pieter Jansen, Post, Robin Kampschoer, Scott Franka, SHLTR, Shoal, Spekki Webu, tl;dr, Tom Kraan, Udigo, Van Anh, Working Titles
      Happy anniversary to Het Magazijn! The marathon starts Friday and goes on until the music stops Sunday morning. It will take place not just in the club, but also up on the sunny roof terrace and second floor of the appended building. This spot has been making waves over the past year and gained an important role in The Hague's club circuit.

    RA Pick
    • Fri, Oct 6, 2017


      Anansi, Afrobot, Wendel Sield, Jamie 3:26, TITIA, Nathan Lake, Philogresz, Sub_Surface, Delta Funktionen, Mark Antoni, Vlada, Joris Zwetsloot, Flying Monk, Awanto 3, Niels Klein, Kevin Arnemann, Ringo LIVE, The Exaltics, Mercal, Marlon Benjamins, LEWIE, Moody Mehran, Man Power, Dandyism, Jurre Veen, Tom Liem, Jocelyn, Martijn Reede, Trippin Jaguar, Yør Kultura, Deep Filip
      RADION celebrates its third birthday with a weekender that includes set from Delta Funktionen, Vlada, Jamie 3:26, Man Power and many more.