


  • Tech House Dj & Producer from La Plata, Buenos Aires, Argentina.
    Guido Celada (Buenos Aires, May 25th, 1992), better known as "Kydo", is an Argentinian DJ-producer and software engineer. He began venturing into music at a young age and has been learning progressively both academically and in a self-taught way to play different instruments such as piano, guitar, bass, drums and djembe (African percussion). Influenced by his father, with whom he shares this passion, he focused his musical exploration within the art of DJing and, in 2018, began to produce his own materials. The content of their sets, regardless of their musical aspect, are focused on expressing good vibes and fun. His style could be defined as groove Tech House where he combines sounds that emphasize Latin percussion and whose inspiration lies in spreading the euphoria and energy received by the audience. Nowadays, Kydo participates in several cycles that make up the local scene, which allowed him to share cabin with national DJs such as Manu Desrets, Tomy Wahl and Juan (AR). His first production was the remix "Kydo-Wubaluba dub dub", based on the well-known series "Rick and Morty". This and all his other material are available on SoundCloud and YouTube. Kydo is currently working to evolve musical and professionally so as to expand globally.