La Spacer


Eventos próximos

  • RA Pick
    • Stacey Hotwaxx Hale, Juana, Trovarsi, Chachi Guerrero, La Spacer, CQQCHiFRUIT, Rae Chardonnay, Jenny Fox, Spacey Lacey, Mina Mills, 'MAGIN'
      Bless This Mess and TRQPITECA throw an enormous Pride Month block party at Whiner Beer Co. with special guest DJs Stacey Hotwaxx Hale, Juana, Trovarsi and Mina Mills.



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  • Natalie Murillo (aka La Spacer) is a musician, producer, DJ, performer, raised in CHICAGO (the birthplace of HOUSE music.) Co-founder of TRQPITECA & ICUQTS (International Chicago Underground Queer Transcendance Symposium)
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