Louis Sterling



  • Louis Sterling, also known as Auxx, is a British recording artist currently signed to David August's 99Chants label.
    Since 2011, Louis Sterling has been an artist who — at the age of 24 years old —has crafted a string of experimental dance music. It was only at 16 years old where Sterling’s personal sketches would eventually make their way onto the BBC, receiving airtime on BBC Introducing and Mary-Anne Hobbs’ 6 music recommends show. By 2016, Sterling would eventually sign to the North American record label URBNET, with his work later gaining attention from the critically-acclaimed musician David August; who signed Sterling to his label 99Chants —an Italian-based imprint distributed by Rough Trade. Raised in Bath, Somerset (UK), Louis first began as a descendant at the cathedral, absorbing the ambient melodies of the city, until it eventually made way into the foundation of his craft. With an artistry that unveils emotional complexity, he has been quoted to “deconstruct the boundaries between electronic music and contemporary art”, with Headphone Commute describing his debut LP Adisceda as “music that plays close to the heart, with capacious acoustics washed with soft reverb, distant voices and elements to peel back and examine”.

    Discografía seleccionada

    Louis Sterling - Adisceda (Chant02) / 99Chants