Love Hotel District



  • Depending on how fast your internet connection is, you can download the discographies of all of your favorite musicians in a matter of hours. Although, owning an artist’s seminal work on a hand-stamped, limited pressing, vinyl-only release is inexplica..
    Time moves fast. In an age of convenience and instant gratification, creativity deserving of more praise than it attracts is constantly being lost amongst the myriad of competitors. Depending on how fast your internet connection is, you can download the discographies of all of your favorite musicians in a matter of hours. Although, owning an artist’s seminal work on a hand-stamped, limited pressing, vinyl-only release is inexplicably more rewarding. Convenience, or lack thereof strangely enough, improves the experience of enjoying music. You know when you go out and buy that record from a store, track it down online, or stumble across it in a garage sale, that you are one of the few who were willing to put in the effort and the cash to obtain it. Only those who truly want to listen to the music that an artist has created will have the privilege of being able to experience it, whenever they like. And that’s something that convenience can’t replace. People argue that vinyl in the 21st century is an irrelevant format; Love Hotel District demonstrates how the emergence of new formats is only making vinyl more important.