Mari van DUS



  • „Mari van DUS“ meaning of her music cannot ever reduced up to one genre !
    „Mari van DUS“ is a neurodiverse & versatile artist, music producer and DJ. Characterize by the metropolitan-region in which she is deeply rooted. Among her work in networks, she co-founded the local branch from rhine-ruhr area of female:pressure [rhein:ruhr] and she is a Board Membership of musicNRWwomen* e.V. She promote for gender equality and FLINTA* 🏳️‍🌈 Artists visibility. (FLINTA* : female | lesbian | intersex | nonbinary | trans | agender | *gendfluid) Her music productions are likewise varied with an intense hardness as well as soft tunes for the chill out or inspiringly with detached spheres. She also likes often, to crossover different genres, so her DJ-Sets are always surprising and suspense. In her early years she founded a Hip-Hop band with some friends and gained first experiences in music production. After the band split up years later, she continued her solo career. At the same time she started as DJ in various clubs. In addition to operate as DJ, the studio work has always been an inherent part of her career. So she produced some different projects with Rappers, a pop production with a female Singer, a trance project with a DJ as well, as various Productions with other musicians.

    Discografía seleccionada

    2011 - Nathalie De Borah`s Label “NDB Musique” - extraneous Projectname 2019 - Chip Tronic`s Label Release - “STONEDWAVE 010” - “Down Under” 2020 - own debut EP : DROP - released April the 3rd.