Matt Tecson



  • The coolest DJ on the internet - Matt Tecson, One Winged Angel.
    Matt Tecson 來自於加拿大的 Richmond, British Columbia,父親為第三代的中國移民、而母親責是來自菲律賓的西班牙裔/中國裔移民。生長於 Richmond 當地第一代的移民家庭,多種族文化及認同議題皆影響了他的創作背景。 基於成長過程中的身份認同因素,特別是孩童時代的跨文化衝擊,始終不知歸屬感為何物, 但卻使 Matt Tecson 發展出非常廣泛的音樂喜好。在西方文化中長大,不被主流群體所認同的他,在生活中漸漸成為一個局外人,進而也產生對前衛音樂、實驗音樂的連結 。 而在他的 DJ sets 中,Matt Tecson 會融合各式各樣、來自世界各地的音樂類型,並在調變後發展出屬於他自己的流派。 他為了那些從不屬於任何地方的人們表演,藉此希望他們能在音樂的突變過程中得到歸途之感。 Matt Tecson 曾創立 Delete Yourself,常於加拿大溫哥華舉辦超能量的電子音樂活動。 近期他則專注於 Bedouin Records 旗下的 One Winged Angel,致力於推行前端的 club music,除了每週固定在 N10.AS Radio 播送節目之外,也不定時舉辦現場演出。 Matt Tecson is a first generation immigrant residing in Richmond, British Columbia, Canada. Born to a third generation Chinese father and a Spanish-Chinese mother in the Philippines, Matt Tecson’s multiracial and multiethnic identity has drastically impacted how they’ve been raised. The intersections of various familial cultural identities being introduced throughout their childhood, as well as the trauma of the childhood culture clash of early immigration, had given Matt Tecson very broad tastes, but never a true sense of “belonging”. Growing up alienated to western culture, as well as never truly being accepted within their other groups, Matt Tecson had slowly grown to embrace life as an outsider. Thus, avant-garde, experimental, and other forms of outsider music have appealed to Matt Tecson very early on in their life. Through their DJ sets, Matt Tecson combines and mutates sounds from several disparate genres from around the world to knit themself a new sense of belonging. Matt Tecson creates DJ sets for those who find themselves in similar situations - for the outsiders, for those without a sense of belonging, so they may find themselves a home through a shared appreciation of music. Matt Tecson had also founded Delete Yourself, Vancouver’s most hyped yearly electronic music event. Currently, Matt Tecson is focused on work for the Bedouin Records crew, as well as One Winged Angel. One Winged Angel is a weekly radio show on N10.AS Radio, with the occasional live event, with a focus on cutting-edge club music.

    Discografía seleccionada

    Matt Tecson And Tom Prilesky