Midori Hirano



  • Midori Hirano is a Japanese musician, composer and producer, born in Kyoto/Japan and now living in Berlin since 2008.
    She started learning the piano as a child, and this triggered what was to later see her study classical piano at university. Therefore her productions are based on the use of acoustic instruments such as the piano, strings or guitars, but yet experimental and an eclectic mixture of modern digital sounds with subtle electronic processing and field recordings. She has released two albums on noble label. Her second, “klo:yuri”(2008), saw her further develop her sound, garnering critical acclaim from various media including TIME magazine , BBC radio and FACT Magazine. Over the following years Midori has performed live throughout Europe and Japan. Besides producing her own works, she has composed music for films, video installations and dance performances. The films that have commissioned works by Midori have been screened at Berlin International Film Festival, Oberhausen International Short Film Festival, Krakow Film Festival and HongKong International Film Festival, among others. Her third album “Minor Planet” is released on sonic pieces in September 2016. She is also know as MimiCof