


  • Those that know their Manga will be well aware of the Naruto character Mizuki, for those that don’t he’s a long haired Ninja who is a dab hand at jutso. Apt, given that the Circus artist Mizuki is a long haired Ninja who happens to be a dab hand at dan..
    Those that know their Manga will be well aware of the Naruto character Mizuki, for those that don’t he’s a long haired Ninja who is a dab hand at jutso. Apt, given that the Circus artist Mizuki is a long haired Ninja who happens to be a dab hand at dance music. Mizuki can be found practicing his art in the wilds of Scotland, well, the not so wild Dunfermline. He started producing 5 years ago, at the mere age of 16. Whilst Mizuki’s musical influences range from the metal of Porcupine Tree to dulcet tones of Imogen Heap, it was the sounds of Justice, Daft Punk and Chase and Status that led him towards crafting electronic music ahead of anything else. They say that a man’s music display’s their personality, this is totally true for Mizuki, whose love for science, technology and futurism always shines through. It was that visionary sound that jumped out when the Mizuki demo reel was first heard by the Circus family, it wont be long before Mizuki is re-writing the rules of EDM. Outside of music Mizuki is, like the best of us, a fan of epic television box sets. Breaking Bad, Arrested Development and The Wire listed as favourites for the time being. Oh, and producers that set the bar, the standard for which he aspires to… Rob Swire (Knife Party, Pendulum), KOAN Sound and (of course ;)) the artists on the Circus roster… Accepting nothing but the best as a target, another reason why Mizuki is a name set to dominate dance music.