


  • Leading by example, this 'innovator' in every sense of the word has been the driving creative force behind some of Melbourne's most loved, abstract, unique and memorable parties for over ten years. With a strong personal philosophy when it comes to lif..
    Very few figures in the Melbourne underground music scene have earned the respect that Michael Muska has due to his tireless devotion and dedication to Australian dance culture over the last decade. Leading by example, this 'innovator' in every sense of the word has been the driving creative force behind some of Melbourne's most loved, abstract, unique and memorable parties for over ten years. Inviting patrons to constantly challenge their preconceived notions of genre-fication thru an offering of experimentally warped and multi-faceted musical experiences. As prevalent as it is in his creative role as an event/concept developer, this same thought process, vibrance and creative energy is translated fluently across captivated dance floors. From side rooms to festival main stages, Muska displays an inert ability to connect with the energy and emotion of a dance floor allowing him to react accordingly with profound unspoken empathy, gaining both a sense of understanding, trust and the sharing of mutual respect between himself and those involved. "The best sets I play I have no memory of, I just remember the vibe and energy of everyone connecting at the time. I am so thankful to be a part of that" With a strong personal philosophy when it comes to life and music, Muska continues to evolve and engage, also applying his passions away from dance floors and into the seclusion of his studio, where these same principles and key ideas are drawn upon once again though his production in an expressive interpretation of feeling and emotion, all relevant in these moments