Mutlu San



  • Mutlu San is a Producer, Performer and DJ as well as a Sound Designer and Soundtrack Artist, from Istanbul.
    Mutlu San is a Producer, Performer, a DJ as well as a Sound Designer and Soundtrack Artist, from Istanbul. His parents’s great enthusiasm for black music was passed down to him from an early age. Hip Hop began to be Mutlu Sans first love however as time progressed he became interested in the electronic music and his newly found attraction, the 4x4 beat. His diversified background culminates with a musical style that is influenced by the sounds of spheres from different cultures. The start of producing his own music began with Acid Music Studio in the early 2000s. As his musical ambitions and interests grew, Mutlu began working with wires and analogue hardware sequencers. His biggest influences are Moritz von Oswald and Mike Ink. Mutlu's music began to draw the interest of people in Istanbul's music scene and continued to grow. Through connecting with new people from Istanbul’s club culture, the demand for Mutlu San’s unique sound steadily increased until he was fully integrated into the scene. Today, Mutlu San is, apart from performing all over Europe, working on collaborations together with friend and Batu Güler, under the name, Bärtaub. Mutlu San & Bärtaub productions, are being produced in their new studio Circuit Room in Istanbul. Most notably, in 2014 Mutlu San designed the sound for the movie ‘Watch My Soundtracks - Anarchic Harmony’ and will be released as a soundtrack album on his imprint Polyfisch Musik which was founded in 2010 by him and is now a collaboration with his partner Batu. In 2015, Mutlu San released his latest EP 'Wolke' as Bärtaub, through Paragram Record Label.