


  • ocp - operador de cabine polivalente is the name of an ongoing sound project by media artist João Ricardo.
    João Ricardo was born in Porto, Portugal. In his infancy, 6 years of piano studies led to a short career as a metal guitarist for the cult band Gangrena. Then, some years after his live sound engineering/operation, he went back to making music, but this time around with a broader perspective on sound. Presently, he dedicates himself to performing live (on his own and with fellow improvisers) and to multimedia production/sound design. Throughout his career his work has been presented in such places as After the Crisis Festival - General Public, Transmediale, Art-Ort, Open Source Festival, USAP, Ausland, denkodrom.de, Makroscope, Tiefgarage (DE); videolisboa, ovarvideo, MadeiraDIG, EME, STFU, Future Places, Casa da Música, Fundação de Serralves, NetaudioLx, Rescaldo - Culturgest (PT), Macfest, Alterarte, +VIDEO, ESTAMPA, Tunkashila, XIII PAN and Störung (ES), Némo, Rendez-Vous Contemporains de Saint-Merry (FR), PI Video Festival Szczecin (PL), Chroma (MX), Rosario Digital Art Festival (AR), CeC & CaC at India International Centre New Dehli (IN), Victory Plaza - Dallas, Bronx Art Space, Spark Festival : University of Minnesota, Parallaxis (USA), Enter Caravasara (TR), BOHO, Streaming festival, PNEM Sound Art Festival, (h)ear, Kulter A-Lab (NL), CHAB, In De Ruimte (BE), Immersion - The Flea Pit, London Analogue Festival (UK), One Minute Festival (CH), sguardi sonori (IT), FILE, Dança em Foco (BR), Pushya (HU), etc.. Occasional reporter for jazz.pt magazine, he's also responsible for the curatorial work at EdP - Editora do Porto and for the radio show “É tudo uma questão de frequência” @ Rádio Manobras.

    Discografía seleccionada

    https://opcabpol.bandcamp.com/album/first-come-first-served https://opcabpol.bandcamp.com/album/the-space-between-us https://opcabpol.bandcamp.com/album/tipo https://opcabpol.bandcamp.com/album/safe-sex-some-drugs-no-rocknroll https://opcabpol.bandcamp.com/album/hot-stuff https://opcabpol.bandcamp.com/album/fds https://opcabpol.bandcamp.com/album/a-to-j