


  • A duo comprised of Jonny Cruz & RAD
    om·i·nous ˈämənəs/ adjective giving the impression that something bad or unpleasant is going to happen; threatening; inauspicious. Ominous is the alias of Jonny Cruz & Ricardo Dominguez both longtime friends from their birthplace of San Juan, Puerto Rico.The pair share a mutual love & passion for music,technology and production so it was a pretty natural step given their friendship that they would team up to work on music together. What started off as a studio session with the intent of a collab ended up in the formation of a partnership that has proven to have a magical chemistry the project “Ominous” although hardly ominous at all as the name would suggest Is more of a soundscape of emotionally driven melodies and vocals showcasing a side to their music that they have both been longing to fulfill which is an actual live act. Their live act encompasses an electronic yet soulful journey of tasteful electronica with hints of Rock & Roll.