


  • As a diffident producer who has cancelled most of their live and dj appearances due to stage fright with various pitiful excuses, the Polisen project is a quite offbeat homage to dance music.
    The problematic moniker Polisen (The Police in swedish) happened to enter at a turbid time after some unpleasant incidents with the local police force, and came to rescue the dull protagonist from himself. Together with some budget synthesizers and samplers Polisen tried to leave home but eventually got stuck in the closet dressed like his worst enemy. However, in one way or another the great escape continues as Polisen tries to dig deeper into their parallell lawless universe. Apart from sitting at home fantasizing about a proper studio space and upscale gear, Polisen also runs the Polisradion studio and is part of the techno duo Quackpac. Text: Rea JV

    Discografía seleccionada

    Polisen - Music for headphones: How to get lost on your way to work (DATA116) "Limited Edition Black and Gray sandwich shelled cassette in a clear case. Shrinkwrapped. Just like everything else that happens to you in life, which side is gray and which side is black on your copy if this cassette will be completely random." - dataairlines.net