Radical Softness



  • Queer Techno Dj based in Berlin embracing the emotional self through music sharing and activist for the Radical empowerment of Softness
    Radical Softness, a name which, at first sight, seems controversial and yet has a very much deeper meaning. Being a somewhat radical person when it comes to vouching for values such as the right of self expression, establishment of safer spaces and FLINTA visibility in the scene. On the other hand being a radical person stands and falls with the softest part of any human – the inner self. Without emotion and passion, there will never be the radicality and drive for change that is needed. Radical Softness stands for change with all their actions, activism, positivity and drive. On the musical side of the coin, Radical Softness immediately evokes a sense of warmth and force at the same time, which again represents the artistic direction of the name itself. Powerful rhythmic patterns go hand in hand with mellow synths – together on a mission to invite dancers to reach the subconscious. Radical Softness introduces repetition to you as the means to escape daily sorrows, to feel again and gain a few hours of freedom from a seemingly fast-paced and cold outside world.