


  • Between cables, Ribé hardened that heartrending sound that has accompanied him since then on his road. Modular was his perfect escape route, a new door to get the proposal he was looking for, a proposal with unlimited possibilities.
    Ribé will always remember that day. That one in which the history of a project that would end up becoming one of the most interesting of the Spanish scene in recent years began. It seemed like a normal day, one more in which his lucubrations took him again and again to techno, to the production of sounds, to his sounds. Suddenly, the idea of starting a project based on modular synthesizers began to flutter in his head naturally and ended up resting in his subconscious, until expanding without brakes throughout his whole being. Yes, that day something forever forever. From that point on, began in him a process of research and learning, of trial and error and exploration. To relearn what was learned, to put everything that came out of his hands into question, to build, rebuild and deconstruct. Because Ribé was already a skillful producer, but that day, the one in which he decided to take a step further in his career and start messing with those machines of machines called modular synthesizers, everything changed. It was the year 2015. There, between cables, frequencies and transitions, Ribé hardened that heartrending sound that has accompanied him since then on his road. Modular was his perfect escape route, a new door to get the proposal he was looking for, a proposal with unlimited possibilities. A proposal and an endless sound. That unique sound did of course not go unnoticed and it was soon selected by one of the most important techno labels of the international scene and, with no doubt, essential at a national level: PoleGroup. Exium included his track ‘Deviation‘ in one of the compilations of Oscar Mulero’s label and soon Ribé was called to record his own solo EP in the new project of the house, the sub-label of PoleGroup, Aine. Great artists of the techno scene such as Mulero himself, Ben Klock, Marcel Dettmann or Antigone, among others, began to include his tracks in their sessions and to make of him one of the new fetish producers. The next step has turned the scene upside down. Taking as reference some greats among the greats of techno like Surgeon, Blawan or Drumcell, Ribé set up his own live show in which the modular synthesizers, that he learned to love and handle with ease and passion, are protagonists. A genuine live, totally based on pure improvisation, but with a forcefulness and a sense that causes a fascinating effect on the audience that dances to his sounds. Reference clubs in the circuit of Madrid, Ribé’s home, such as Utopia or Cassette have already surrendered to his lucubrations. Because Ribé is the synthesis of a whole life dedicated to techno, without taboos, without rules, but with rigidity, severity, and an almost sickly desire to create new sounds.

    Discografía seleccionada

    Nonplus Polegroup Non Series LF Rmx Suburban Avenue Ex Aequo