Sarina Ashley



  • Female DJ & Member of The Alpha Passion Club
    In 2009 she started to develop her interest in Electronic Music while living abroad in the south of London. She quickly realized that she can not and does not want to live without electronic music anymore. When she came back to her hometown Lucerne in Switzerland there was almost no venue where she could truly enjoy the music. So, she decided to do it herself. She had a wide range of interest in different genres. Then she found her love for House Music. The fascination about the repetitive Beat and the crispy sounds of the percussion kept her going. 2016 she visited the well-respected Point Blank Music School in London to acquire the Music Production Skills she always craved after. In 2017 She had her first EP released on Divus Music, Berlin. She Quickly catched the attention of other Producers, DJ's and Event Managers and they invited her to play at their gigs around Lucerne, Basel, Zürich.