Satoshi Imano



  • It is rare to find someone with such a bottom-up approach to management and to his craft as SATOSHI IMANO, an artist whose constant exploration of next-gen music is always spelled out in the “present continuous tense”.
    欧米のみならず、日本国内で今最も注目を浴びているアーティストの1人であるSATOSHI IMANO。 2007年、ポーランドの「6p-records」よりヒット作『Take it back』を12inch vinylでリリース以来、繊細かつ大胆なトラックメイクでチャートを賑わし続けている。これまでオリジナルフルアルバムを2枚リリースしており、単なるDJやトラックメーカーとは一線を画す活動をデビュー以来ストイックに続けている。 幾多のオリジナルワーク、リミックスを経て、2011年にはポルトガルのハードテクノレーベル「Envenom」から『Marvelous EP』をリリース。Amazon ダンス・エレクトロニカチャートでは首位を独走し続けた。さらには国内屈指のテクノレーベル「PLUS Records」から『Explorer EP』をリリースし、代官山Airにて開催された同レーベル主宰「PLUS TOKYO」にてライブパフォーマンスも披露。さらに同年には特に海外から高い評価を得た『Nano Metal EP』をリリースし、上海ツアーを大成功に導いたことも記憶に新しい。 海外で高まる評価を追い風に、2014年からは、UKリバプールのFramed.FMにて初の日本人テクノDJ専門チャンネル「Tokyo Techno Liner」をスタート。企画・プロデュース・アートワークを兼任し、リスナーの数もうなぎ上りとなっている。《日本のテクノ》を世界へと発信するキーマンの1人として、業界内での評価も高い。 また「Sound & Recording Magagine」主宰 《the HIATUS 「Thirst」リミックスコンテスト》では幾多に及ぶ応募のなかからNo.1となるグランプリを受賞、クラブシーンを飛び出した活躍にも注目が集まっている。その証拠に舞台やムービーへの楽曲提供も多数、各方面からのオファーも絶えず話題には事欠かない。 SATOSHI IMANOは商業的な躍進と現場主義的な職人性を併せ持つ稀有な存在ながらも、次世界の音楽を探究し続ける「現在進行形」のアーティストである。 — SATOSHI IMANO is not only well known in the West, but has also become the focus of much attention in his native Japan as one of today’s most popular artists. Ever since the Polish label “6p-records” released his hit “Take it back” on 12 inch vinyl, his sensitive but bold track-making style has continued to rock the charts. At present he has released 2 full-length albums of original material, and ever since his debut he has continued to stoically advance a career which has set him aside from all mere DJs and track-makers. After producing numerous original works and remixes he released the “Marvelous EP” on the Portuguese hard techno label “Envenom” in 2011. With this he continued to take the lead at the top of Amazon’s dance and electronica charts. Furthermore, one of the preeminent Japanese techno labels, “PLUS Records”, released his “Explorer EP”, and he showcased it with a live performance at the “PLUS TOKYO” event, hosted by the label at the Daikanyama Air venue. That same year he also released the “Nano Metal EP” which received high praise from overseas, and this lead to a Shanghai Tour which proved to be a great success, an event which is still fresh in people’s memories. Thanks to the growing attention he was receiving from abroad, in 2014 he started the first radio program in UK’s Liverpool station Framed.FM to be entirely specialized in Japanese techno DJs, and named it “Tokyo Techno Liner”. He is currently in charge of several aspects of the show, such as planning, producing and artwork duties, and listener numbers are skyrocketing. As a key promoter of Japanese techno to international audiences, his reputation in that world also stands high. He has also been awarded the No.1 grand prize amongst many submissions to the “Remix Contest for the track ‘thirst’ by the HIATUS”, hosted by Sound & Recording Magazine. This remix has breathed new life into the club scene, causing many more people to take notice of his skills. This is evidenced by the fact that many movies and stage plays have sponsored his music, and offers from all quarters have not ceased coming. It is rare to find someone with such a bottom-up approach to management and to his craft as SATOSHI IMANO, an artist whose constant exploration of next-gen music is always spelled out in the “present continuous tense”.

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