


  • SpaceAgePoetry takes you on a trip through space using stories and music. It's a combination of deep & slow electronic music and spoken word, that organically evolved out of the shared music taste of Josh Dupree & Justin Samgar.
    After performing at Mysteryland, the Amsterdam Concertgebouw, and ADE, SpaceAgePoetry is ready to be launched into space. As for their music, they are releasing their EP Sputnik in September on Amsterdam-based indie label KROOKS Records. Space Age in SpaceAgePoetry refers to the era after the launch of the first artificial moon Sputnik in 1957. They believe that in this modern age the need for classic poetry has gone and given way to a new, more contemporary form of poetry, namely SpaceAgePoetry. In a time where the old rules do not apply anymore and numerous possibilities rise to play around with the status quo. SpaceAgepoetry will do so in redefining poetic beauty. Translated from Russian, Sputnik means fellow traveler and is the name of the first ever satellite to be launched, initiating the Space Age. As their first official exploit, the name Sputnik for the first EP only seemed appropriate in launching these tracks into space.