Stephen James



  • Recently reactivated and thrown back into the electronic mix, Stephen James is at it again bringing you the underside of the latest Dark Techno and Minimal tracks. Whether playing a smooth DJ set, or mashing various tracks together Stephen James is s..
    Stephen Marshall aka Stephen James was introduced to music as a young adolescent by receiving years of instruction on keys. This experience was the door that opened the absolutely amazing world of music to Stephen and he quickly adapted music to his life. By the time Stephen was a teenager he received his first guitar. The love for Rock and Metal pushed Stephen to continue to play guitar all the way through the rest of grade school and lead to him and other members of the local bands he was involved in to have a significant impact on everybody around them. Right as Stephen was finishing grade school he was taken downtown Detroit for a "techno party" and his love for underground electronic music exploded. Stephen had always been a fan of digital groups and sounds ranging from KMFDM, Prodigy, and My Life With The Trill Kill Cult, but Techno was something different entirely. Stephen acquired his first set of decks and spent the next twelve years switching between playing underground EDM to heavy slap bass in his metal bands. As a DJ, Stephen has had residencies from Pontiac to Detroit, and his bands have played rock bars from Flint to Detroit. Now Stephen is focused entirely on continuing to be a part of the electronic music scene in Detroit. Sub÷Divizion was founded by a group of musicians that all have a different skill set and ability, that when put together has amazing potential. Who knows what the next chapter holds? "It doesn't matter where I have been or where I will go, music will always be there because it is in my soul." ~ Stephen James