Steve Menta



  • Steve Pimenta has been developing his work by creating a large and wide portfolio of his own creations.
    Enchanted by the world of electronic music, Steve Menta is in charge of the soundtrack of his own journey into this universe. He comes around with a fairly heavy baggage, filled with experiences and influences that he’s gained over time with his work, that started with musical production and evolved, naturally, to DJing. On his passport, there’s some mandatory stops, like Rio de Janeiro, Mexico, Switzerland, and Germany. On his tours, he’s moved around iconic stages like Kater Blau in Berlin, Op Art and Lx Factory in Lisbon, and Gare Club in Porto, amongst many others. Steve shares his connection to music and its creation and production processes with the community through LXM DJ Academy where he steps in as a coordinator, and also through the organization of events promoting the electronic music culture in Portugal, but also in Brazil, honouring his connection to Plano B. Steve Menta invites us all to join him in an hypnotic trip through electrifying landscapes and melodic throbs.