Stone Owl



  • Injecting the hard, driven soul, of the city of Detroit, into their huge rolling bass lines, deep harmonies, and body-jacking rhythms, Stone Owl claims a timeless sound all their own. They produce art that treads the border of techno and deep house, an..
    Injecting the hard, driven soul, of the city of Detroit, into their huge rolling bass lines, deep harmonies, and body-jacking rhythms, Stone Owl claims a timeless sound all their own. They produce art that treads the border of techno and deep house, and has that dirty nastiness that you expect from Detroit. Jake Greba and Eric Novak bring to the table monster production skills, and 2 entire lifetimes of live performing experience, easily setting them apart from the hordes of today’s fast-food DJ’s. Together they play like lunatic ninjas, grabbing at goldfish in a moonlit mountain lake. Stone Owl has been heavily working obsessively together in the studio for the last 5 years, producing music that tells a story, subsonic, melodic and provocative. Sub bass lines and silky melodies are signature, and their sound is repeatedly referred to as refreshing and addictive. Using sacred geometry, crystal singing bowls, and subconscious vibrations, they intend to raise the kundalini snake up your spine, and give you a small glimpse into the future of Detroit.