Sven Atterton



  • Bass player and music producer.
    Sven Atterton is an English born multi-instrumentalist specialising in Slap Bass. His music embraces elements of the 1980s, in particular ‘Boogie Funk’. Sven’s live performance consists of pre-recorded synthesisers, electronic drums, a lead synth and of course, his signature slap bass. Recently Sven has been performing tracks from his debut album ‘The Cove’ (Omega Supreme Records) which has earned the accolade as a future classic. His live sets also see tracks from his new album ‘The Cape’ which was self released via his own label ‘Cruise Club Records’. It is a truly special occasion to see Sven tap into his own style of atmospheric funk, whilst at the same time paying dues to a prolific past genre and making a unmatched contribution to the ‘modern funk’ era.